
Humboldt Art Abandonment Update


I am enjoying hiding arts, as you can probably tell. 

From top to bottom:

Number 21, "Is." Arcata Marsh, trail alongside Allen Marsh.

Number 24, "Drawing-Near." Miner's Ridge Trail, Prairie Creek Redwood State Park.

Number 28, "Disappear." McKinleyville Mid-Town Trail, off of Railroad Avenue.


Humboldt Art Abandonment Begins


Local Artists who wish to participate can make something and leave it some place within Humboldt County for a lucky random and mysterious person to find. Artists are encouraged to post locations and or hints with a photograph of their abandoned masterpieces.

Piece #5 of Indi Grate Bee-low, entitled "And,"

Abandoned at the Hishari' Trail, Elk River Access Area, Eureka, CA. 

Location hint.

Find it if you so desire.

Two Upcoming Events: Featuring Not-Me

Fate has decreed that I have 2(!) art events coming up that I cannot attend. I am saddened, but I also feel weirdly lucky because that implies that I am a busy little bee.

August 10th - Sept. 6th: Chico Art Center All Media 2013 
August 21st: Periwinkle Cinema: Films with Live Soundtracks and Performances

Chico is screening Alphabet Aerobics, ATA is screening Common People. Please check them out if you don't especially care to see me around. 'Cause I'm in the woods and I'm apparently busy.